
Ryan Munchinsky


Tokorozawa, Saitama, Japan (Map)

What is the purpose?

Ryan will be working alongside the OM Japan team in reaching the lost people in Japan. Ryan ministers full-time focusing on engaging in relational evangelism, discipleship, and house church planting.


Ryan is serving with OM Canada in Japan.

OM Canada: www.om.org/ca/en

OM Japan: www.omjapan.org/ja (Japanese only)


How to give?

You can give one-time via cheque. Please download, print & fill out the support form found at the bottom of this page, then mail it along with the cheque to the address below:

You can set up ongoing support by direct deposit or by credit card. Please download, print & fill out the support form found at the bottom of this page, then mail it along with the cheque to the address below:

OM Canada
84 West St
Port Colborne, ON
L3K 4C8

You can give online at: https://www.om.org/ca/en/content/om-canada-ways-give

Select "Give Online"
For the "Select the fund" option, choose "Support the work of a Canadian worker"
Choose "Donate Now" for 1-time support OR "Monthly" for ongoing support
(Optional) If you chose "Monthly", click "More Scheduling Options", with will give you the opportunity to specify start & end dates
IMPORTANT! In the "Message for OM Canada" box, please be sure to specify that the support is for "Ryan Munchinsky"

You can give with your offering envelope:  Under the option "OTHER" please indicate OM Canada-Ryan Munchinsky and specify your amount.  EAC will then send a total donation on behalf of donors that month.  We can not share your donation information with Ryan due to privacy laws, so if you would like him to know, please share that with him directly.