Hello, my name is Dustin Wiebe. I have the privilege to be a student intern at Erindale this year. My role takes a variety of forms but focuses directly on assisting the pastoral team where needed. In April 2023 I graduated from Millar College of the Bible with a Bachelor of Biblical Study, and I am currently enrolled in the fourth-year internship program.
During my time at Millar, the Lord pressed on my heart a love for the local church. I am passionate about helping the church be a place of health and firm Biblical teaching. I love to preach, teach, and disciple others in Jesus Christ. The Lord has given me a passion for helping people and walking alongside life with my peers. I believe we are given the task of assisting the next generation to follow the Lord and it is my passion to help lay that foundation.
I grew up in Southern Manitoba in the small town of Altona. I moved to Saskatchewan in 2019 for college and somehow have never gone back. My wife Lisa and I got married in May of 2021. In my spare time, I enjoy sports, such as hockey, golf, and cycling. I also love spending time with Lisa and going on spontaneous adventures. I am excited about what this year has for us at Erindale and how the lord will use us here!
Mon to Thurs 9:00am-4:00pm